January 2023 Newsletter


As we enter 2023, the Deer Rapids board sends you wishes for joy, peace, and a happy New Year!

Board News

Thank you to past board members Barney Shapiro, Ed Ewing, Ray Mercer, and Bill Stewart for their time, energy, and efforts spent to improve the Deer Rapids community for everyone. And, a warm welcome to the newest board members - Steve Gates, Laure Lutz, Bernie Sewell and Culin Tate.

Shentel Update

We are in continued communication and negotiating with Shentel regarding road repairs to ensure our community's best interests are met.

Road Hero

A huge thank you to Phil Hunt who recently repaired a section of potholes on Deer Rapids Road! You are the Road Hero!

Winter Road Repairs

Small repairs are currently being made to neighborhood roads.


Your time in our neighborhood was short but alas, rewarding. Your brute strength guided by dedicated members of the community kept our roads safe, gravel filled and snow plowed. As all good things must come to an end, to repair your weary steel body back to health was just too much. We will remember you fondly as we outsource our road efforts for the next calendar year.

R.I.P. Deer Rapids Community Tractor 


Snow Removal

We have secured snow removal services for the next calendar year. Your patience and gratitude towards those helping are greatly appreciated.

“Snow Savior” Volunteers Needed

If you are willing to be a “snow savior'' to the community during and after storms, please contact drrft22657@gmail.com. Your community account will be credited $25/hour for your help/services.

A Note From the Treasurer’s Desk 

By the time you read this, you should have already received your 2023 Statement for Road Funds Fees. This was sent out earlier than usual to allow time for community members to prepare for the increased road fees. Members were previously notified that the court issued a Final Decree dated June 30, 2022 that modified Article 3 of the Restrictive Covenant, that the Deer Rapids Road Fund assesses road maintenance fees of $150.00 per lot, per year, payable on or before January 31st each year.

Note the Combination lock to the community lots will be changed on January 1, 2023. If you are current with your road fees, please contact drrft22657@gmail.com for the current combo. 

It was recently asked if the Board has historically filed liens for delinquent road fees. The answer was 1) Most aged (2 or more years outstanding ) had gotten caught up on their accounts and 2) unless someone was really in arrears ( 2 or more years) and a large amount (several hundred) it was not worth the effort to file a lien. So if someone was a year behind at $35, it was not worth the filing fees, release fees, certified mail, and a trip to the courthouse etc. to get $35.

But now in the future at $150 per lot per year it will add up fast. One of the main reasons for seeking increased fees was the recent rapid escalation in material and labor costs for road maintenance and other repairs needed. As you can see by the attached Financial Report, we have been operating in a negative cash flow over the past years.

The Board can no longer ignore and allow members to be late in paying. The Board under Code of Virginia § 55.1 Chapter 18 the Property Owners' Association Act has the ability to asses late fees (§ 55.1-1824. Assessments; late fees) and file liens (§ 55.1-1833. Lien for assessments). Full text of this can be found at https://law.lis.virginia.gov/vacode/title55.1/chapter18/

A frequently asked question is “Why don’t we take Credit Cards or accept electronic payments?.” The Board researched the cost and efforts associated with this effort and discussed this with the membership at the Annual meeting. It was recommended that this payment method not be pursued at this time as it is not worth the extra effort and expense. In addition, the Board would also need to put in place a means of protecting credit card numbers collected, due to the inherent security risk for fraud of handling Credit Card numbers through email, phone or mail. The discussion also included the fact that we are not a business, but a Board of volunteer members that do this on behalf of the community.

Thank you to the majority of the Community who promptly pay their invoices!

If you have any questions on your road fund fees, contact Mark Hogenmiller at DRRFT22657@gmail.com.